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One of the benefits of Illini Chapter membership is the Career Services program. Career Services offers members the opportunity to post employment positions from their clubs on this Web site as well as e-mail and mail out positions to the Chapter members. In addition, Chapter members are often quick to know of open employment opportunities because they are the first to receive the communications about the positions and are able to view the jobs on this Web site.

Furthermore, as all CMAA chapters are aligned with the National Association, Illini Chapter members are welcome and urged to utilize all that the National Career Services Department has to offer. Located at www.clubcareers.org, ClubCareers offers an abundance of services and resources.

CMAA has also compiled a Management Company Resource List which can be viewed by clicking here.  This list has been compiled as a resource for members, and CMAA does not endorse or receive any remuneration from any of these organizations.